Here’s the new path linking Bergamo and Brescia, the two cities named Capital of Culture 2023.
Hippocrates, the Greek physician considered the father of Western medicine, once said that walking is man's best medicine. Bergamo and Brescia know it well, so why not design a new path on the occasion of their nomination as Capital of Culture 2023? And that's how the Via delle Sorelle was created, a gentle stroll between the two cities that follows trails through nature and hidden gems, intersecting with other paths already existing in the area.
130 km, 6 stages, 36 municipalities, 2 Unesco sites, 3 wine areas, several parks and Lake Iseo. These are the numbers of the Via delle Sorelle.
Our b&b offers special rates for all walkers and is only 3 km from Città Alta, the starting and finishing point of the walk.
To find out more, continue reading.
The Via delle Sorelle: what exactly is it?
Two urbanized areas connected by a green thread of nature and art.

The Slow Ride Italy Association created this project and, with the support of the provinces and tourism boards of the two cities and areas involved, mapped out a route away from the usual tourist destinations to discover medieval villages, boundless nature, wine roads, and parks to the rhythm of one's steps. A slow journey to discover Bergamo and Brescia and their surrounding areas: two neighboring cities that have always been considered cousins, but whose tragic experience as protagonists of the 2020 health emergency has brought even closer together, like two sisters (due sorelle). These two cities are well-known throughout the world for the work, their industry and businesses, but they also contain incredibly beautiful locations that, in contrast to the rush of daily life, should be appreciated slowly.
It is a two-way path, so those who set out can choose to begin in Bergamo and arrive in Brescia or vice versa, start from Brescia and arrive in Bergamo. The starting and ending points are two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Venetian walls that protect Bergamo's Upper City and the Santa Giulia Complex in Brescia. Two symbolic places, which could only represent the start and finish of this route that mostly runs along the hilly strip of the two provinces and crosses the Parco dei Colli di Bergamo and the Parco regionale Oglio Nord, the Parco delle Colline di Brescia and the Torbiere del Sebino reserve, and for wine lovers it will travel along the Strada del Vino di Franciacorta and the Strada del Vino Valcalepio e dei Sapori della Bergamasca.

From Bergamo, 36 towns will be crossed: Ponteranica, Alzano Lombardo, Nembro, Villa di Serio, Scanzorosciate, Torre De’ Roveri, San Paolo d’Argon, Albano Sant’Alessandro, Brusaporto, Bagnatica, Costa di Mezzate, Montello, Gorlago, Carobbio degli Angeli, Chiuduno, Grumello del Monte, Castelli Calepio, Gandosso, Villongo, Credaro, Sarnico, Paratico, Capriolo, Adro, Corte Franca, Provaglio d’Iseo, Iseo, Monticelli Brusati, Ome, Rodengo Saiano, Gussago, Cellatica, Concesio, Collebeato to arrive, finally, in Brescia.
Six stages with an average distance of 20/25 km each, suitable for everybody. The signs are easily recognizable: vertical with the Way logo and the direction (Brescia or Bergamo), the predominant colors are blue and red, and there are several stickers scattered here and there.
Here's what you need to know about the Via delle Sorelle starting at our b&b, from Bergamo to Brescia.
Stage 1: Bergamo, Ponteranica, Alzano Lombardo, Nembro
Stay at our B&B and begin your journey in the morning light. We are in the Astino Valley, the city's green heart and home to the ancient Monastery and Botanical Garden, a stone's throw from the Bergamo hills and 3 km from Città Alta, which with its Venetian walls marks the beginning of the Via delle Sorelle.

The first stage is 21.4 km long and gains 1215 meters in elevation. It is classified as: challenging.
This stage crosses Cammino di Carlo Magno (Charlemagne Way), the Via Mercatorum, and the Alta Via delle Grazie.
Once you arrive at the Old Square (Piazza Vecchia), proceed to the St. Alexander's Gate (porta di Sant’Alessandro) and climb to the San Vigilio hill for the most breathtaking views. Take the scenic route at Case Moroni and Via del Rione to admire the Astino Abbey and the terraced vegetable gardens in all their beauty (as well as our bed and breakfast, ed.). You are inside of the Colli di Bergamo Regional Park. The road follows the Quisa bike path to Colle dei Roccoli and then passes through the Morla Tunnel, which serves as the city-province border crossing.
Continuing on, you will reach Ponteranica, where you will see the church and the town hall, as well as the Grotta di Lourdes Sanctuary, before arriving in Rosciano. From here Cà del Lacc, an ancient dwelling, and the Maresana will be your next encounters, until you reach the village of Olera, crossing the Via Crucis and the churchyard of the Church of San Rocco that will leave you breathless. You will encounter the Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord in Brumano after leaving the community of Burro. From there, take CAI trail number 535 to reach Lonno. Arriving in Nembro via the historic Via Mercatorum, you will pass the Sanctuary of the Madonna dello Zuccarello.
Stage 2: Nembro, Villa di Serio, Scanzorosciate, Albano Sant’Alessandro, Brusaporto, Bagnatica
We have reached the second stage and we are ready to enter a place everybody loves: we are in the land of Moscato di Scanzo. The CAI Path 509 takes us from Scanzorosciate to Villa di Serio. Our next encounters are the Gavarno Valley and the Church of San Giovanni dei Boschi. After skirting the Gavarno - Tribulina area, we get to CAI trail number 626. We move through the silence and peacefulness of the Aragon Hermitage to Monte Giorgio, toward the Argon Mountains and the PLIS of the Argon Valleys. We descend to Albano Sant'Alessandro and proceed across Brusaporto through fields and olive groves until we arrive in Bagnatica.
17.5 km of easy terrain with a 374 m elevation gain. On the second stage, we pass through Nembro, Villa di Serio, Scanzorosciate, San Paolo d'Argon, Albano Sant'Alessandro, Brusaporto and Bagnatica and cross the Charlemagne Way and the Terre del Vescovado Way.
Stage 3: Bagnatica, Costa di Mezzate, Montello, San Paolo D'Argon, Carobbio degli Angeli, Gorlago, Gandosso, Castelli Calepio, Credaro, Villongo, Sarnico
We have reached the halfway point of the Via della Sorelle, the third stage. And halfway we cross the border between the two provinces, between Bergamo and Brescia, Lake Iseo and its river, the Oglio.
We begin in Bagnatica and make our way to Gorlago, the Cherio River, and the CAI trail No. 650. Here we cross the Colle degli Angeli and the Montecchi and Malmera PLISs. This stage is challenging because it is at this point that we pass Monte del Castello and Monte della Croce and continue on CAI trail no. 710 into the towns of Gandosso and Castelli Calepio. We then enter Val Calepio, a road of vineyards along the lake's shores, and arrive in Credaro's center. In this town, the Church of San Giorgio, the Church of San Fermo, and Castel Trebecco all house magnificent frescoes by Lorenzo Lotto.
In Villongo, we travel along the Sottocorna bicycle path until we arrive in Sarnico.
Third stage, with a distance of 21.5 km and a 357 m elevation gain, passes through Bagnatica, Costa di Mezzate, Montello, San Paolo D'Argon, Carobbio degli Angeli, Gorlago, Gandosso, Castelli Calepio, Credaro, Villongo and Sarnico.

Stage 4: Paratico, Capriolo, Adro, Corte Franca, Provaglio d'Iseo
We are currently in Sarnico. After crossing the bridge, we travel to Paratico, which is located inside of Parco dell'Oglio Nord. Along the river, we continue to Capriolo, where we can visit the Ursuline Sisters' Monastery in Piazza Castello. From Adro, we can reach Father Costantino Ruggeri's "Via Crucis" and the Church of Santa Maria in Favento before arriving in Corte Franca.
It's time to visit the Sebino Peat Bogs, a place of unmatched natural beauty. Please be aware that access to this nature reserve requires the Via delle Sorelle credential. The final municipality of this fourth stage, also known as the water stage, is Provaglio d'Iseo. Here, we find the Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa, which is currently the scene of cultural events and served as a Christian community landmark for many years, a place where art, culture, history, and architecture were at home.
The municipalities that are crossed for the 19 km of the stage and 389 m of elevation gain are Paratico, Capriolo, Adro, Corte Franca, and Provaglio d'Iseo. This stage is crossed by the Oglio River Green Trail.
Stage 5: Provaglio d'Iseo, Iseo, Monticelli Brusati, Ome, Rodengo Saiano, Gussago
With a distance of 23.7 km and an elevation gain of 824 m, Stage 5 is the most challenging.
From Provaglio, we first arrive at the Madonna del Corno, a 1500s church with a cliff-side view of the Sebino peat bogs, and then the Corno del Creil. Ahead is a unique view of Lake Iseo and its island, Montisola, the Sebino Peat Bogs and all the surrounding hills and landscapes.
Begin your descent towards the Monticelli Brusati Waterfalls, then towards Ome and its Borgo del Maglio, and finally to Rodengo-Saiano after passing through the Bosco della Querce (Oak Wood). Crossing fields and vineyards while skirting the Gandovere stream and admiring the ancient Olivetan Abbey, you will arrive in Gussago. From here, you can reach the former Dominican complex of the Santissima and its impressive viewpoint.
This fifth stage crosses two paths: the Sentiero delle Cascate (Waterfall Trail) and the Antica Via Valeriana.
Stage 6: Gussago, Concesio, Cellatica, Collebeato, Brescia
We have arrived at the final stage of the Via delle Sorelle. The sixth stage ends in Brescia.
20.9 kilometers with an elevation gain of 869 meters. The towns crossed are: Gussago, Concesio, Cellatica, Collebeato and Brescia, and on this stage the Antica Via Valeriana, the Cammino di Santa Giulia and the Sentiero 3V intersect.
The Sentiero delle Croci leads us to the Church of San Rocco, and then down the 3V Trail to the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Stella until we reach Collebeato, not forgetting a stop at the Giant Bench.
The Benedictine Monastery of Santo Stefano (15th century) is the next stop. From there, we head toward the Villaggio Prealpino, entering the Brescia Hills Park. After skirting the Colle di San Giuseppe, we cross the Valle di Mompiano and stop at its refuge before arriving at Cascina Margherita along path no. 10 of Monte Maddalena.

Trail No. 7 will take us through the woods toward Val Pusterla, along the Strada del Soccorso, an ancient route cut into the rock on the slopes of Colle Cidneo and used by soldiers to enter and exit the fortress in ancient times. This is the road that will take us to Brescia Castle, the Falcon of Italy. After a descent, you will reach the city's center, where the Capitoline Temple and the Museum Complex of Santa Giulia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are your final stops.
You've arrived at your destination and walked the entire Via della Sorelle.
Bergamo and Brescia are waiting for you. Make a reservation for your stay right away.